Friday, April 16, 2010


We are still about 4 mentors short…!

As all of you know KEYS is a program targeted at middle school aged girls (age 11-14). Through our program we hope to give girls an exposure to science and engineering that they cannot get in their respective middle schools and excite them about the subjects. The long term goal is obviously to inspire them to consider a career in the field of science and engineering (and come to MIT) ;)

This semester KEYS will meet twice on a Saturday (April 17th which is tomorrow and May 8th) and each session will have about 30 girls. The sessions typically start at 10am and finish around 4pm.

To give you an example for a typical session: In our first session on Saturday we plan to build trebuchets in small groups and finish with a small competition. We will visit the lab of Sangeeta Bhatia, which conducts research on applications of micro- and nanotechnology to tissue repair and regeneration. We will be given a lab tour and do some hands-on activities. We will also go to a presentation given by the LSC about 35mm film projection (how lenses work, digital sound, etc) with demos of movie trailers. It should be really exciting and there will obviously be lots of free food and a free T-shirt for every participating mentor!

Anyways, this long introduction was meant to excite you about volunteering for KEYs in one of the two sessions or at best in both! We still need some female volunteers to help us out, ESPECIALLY THIS SATURDAY, since right now we only have 5 mentors for the 30 girls.

Email Sabine to volunteer!

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